Hi, I am Callie.
I'm a wife. Mother. Project Manager. Photographer. I love where I live: Spartanburg, SC. Even though I've grown up here, I still enjoy driving around and trying to see it differently. Trying to pick out cool spots to shoot. Viewing it as if I'm behind my camera.
I'm an introvert. I live quietly. My mantra: be kind--some of the most important words to live by. I love to listen. And take things in. If you ever need a listening ear, I'm here. If you need someone to pray for you, I'm here. If you need someone to capture your personality in a split second, I'm here. I love to get more than just the perfectly posed photo. I want to capture you. The candid moments. Real life.
For this introverted, country girl, my camera is my voice. And I hope it is loud enough and emotional enough to catch your attention.